February 20, 2011

Actionscript 3: Grabbing and resizing BitmapData

I found this handy little class in a Flash project that I just had to jump back into. It's an easy way to take a bitmap snapshot of any DisplayObject, then resize the image data to fit another frame. You can fill the area, letterbox/pillowbox, or just scale to new dimensions. Feel free to use this, and nevermind the warnings that show up in FDT :)
package com.cache.util 
 import flash.display.BitmapData;
 import flash.display.DisplayObject;
 import flash.geom.Matrix;
 import flash.geom.Point;
 import flash.geom.Rectangle;
  * @author justin - http://uihacker.blogspot.com/
 public class ImageEdit 
   * Return a snapshot of a DisplayObject
  public static function getBitmapData( vSource:DisplayObject, vW:Number=NaN, vH:Number=NaN, vTransparent:Boolean=true, vColor:int=0xFF00FF, vMatrix:Matrix=null ):BitmapData
   // set defaults.
   var vWidth:int = ( isNaN( vW )) ? vSource.width : vW;
   var vHeight:int = ( isNaN( vH )) ? vSource.height : vH;  
   // create BitmapData object.
   var vBmp:BitmapData = new BitmapData( vWidth, vHeight, vTransparent, vColor );
   // draw contents of source clip into target.
   if ( vMatrix == null ) vBmp.draw( vSource, null, null, null, null, true );
   else vBmp.draw( vSource, vMatrix, null, null, null, true ); 
   return vBmp;
   * Build & return a matrix to use to scale a bitmap
  public static function getScaleMatrix( scale:Number ) : Matrix
   var matrix:Matrix = new Matrix();
   matrix.scale(scale, scale);
   return matrix;
   * Pass these constants into the getResizedBitmapData() function
  public static const RESIZE_SCALE:String = 'ImageEdit.resizeScale';
  public static const RESIZE_LETTERBOX:String = 'ImageEdit.resizeLetterbox';
  public static const RESIZE_CROP:String = 'ImageEdit.resizeCrop';
   * Return a resized BitmapData copy of the original
  public static function getResizedBitmapData( sourceBitmap:BitmapData, targetWidth:Number, targetHeight:Number, resizingMethod:String = '', disposeSourceBmp:Boolean = true ) : BitmapData
   // get current dimensions
   var curW:Number = sourceBitmap.width;
   var curH:Number = sourceBitmap.height;
   // get ratios of 2 sides
   var ratio_w:Number = targetWidth / curW;
   var ratio_h:Number = targetHeight / curH;
   var shorterRatio:Number = ( ratio_w > ratio_h ) ? ratio_h : ratio_w;
   var longerRatio:Number = ( ratio_w > ratio_h ) ? ratio_w : ratio_h;
   // apply sizing
   switch( resizingMethod )
    case RESIZE_CROP :
     // get shorter ratio, so we fill the target area
     var resizedWidth:int = Math.round( curW * longerRatio );
     var resizedHeight:int = Math.round( curH * longerRatio );
     // create copy of, and resize the source bitmap
     var resizedSourceBmp:BitmapData = new BitmapData( resizedWidth, resizedHeight, false, 0x00000000 );
     // create scale matrix 
     var matrix:Matrix = new Matrix();
     matrix.scale( longerRatio, longerRatio );
     // take resized snapshot
     resizedSourceBmp.draw( sourceBitmap, matrix );
     // draw into destination bitmap, letterbox/pillowbox style
     var destBitmap:BitmapData = new BitmapData( targetWidth, targetHeight, false, 0x00000000 );
     var offset:Point = new Point( targetWidth / 2 - resizedWidth / 2, targetHeight / 2 - resizedHeight / 2 );
     destBitmap.copyPixels( resizedSourceBmp, new Rectangle( -offset.x, -offset.y, resizedSourceBmp.width, resizedSourceBmp.height ), new Point() );
     // clean up temp BitmapData
     if( disposeSourceBmp ) sourceBitmap.dispose();
     return destBitmap;
     // get shorter ratio, so we fill the target area
     var resizedWidth:int = Math.round( curW * shorterRatio );
     var resizedHeight:int = Math.round( curH * shorterRatio );
     // create copy of, and resize the source bitmap
     var resizedSourceBmp:BitmapData = new BitmapData( resizedWidth, resizedHeight, false, 0x00000000 );
     // create scale matrix 
     var matrix:Matrix = new Matrix();
     matrix.scale( shorterRatio, shorterRatio );
     // take resized snapshot
     resizedSourceBmp.draw( sourceBitmap, matrix );
     // draw into destination bitmap, letterbox/pillowbox style
     var destBitmap:BitmapData = new BitmapData( targetWidth, targetHeight, false, 0x00000000 );
     var pastePoint:Point = new Point( targetWidth / 2 - resizedWidth / 2, targetHeight / 2 - resizedHeight / 2 );
     destBitmap.copyPixels( resizedSourceBmp, new Rectangle( 0, 0, resizedSourceBmp.width, resizedSourceBmp.height ), pastePoint );
     // clean up temp BitmapData
     if( disposeSourceBmp ) sourceBitmap.dispose();
     return destBitmap;
    case RESIZE_SCALE :
    default : 
     // create output bitmap
     var vBmp:BitmapData = new BitmapData( targetWidth, targetHeight, false, 0x00000000 );
     // create scale matrix 
     var matrix:Matrix = new Matrix();
     matrix.scale( ratio_w, ratio_h );
     // snapshot with scale & return
     vBmp.draw( sourceBitmap, matrix );
     // clean up temp BitmapData
     if( disposeSourceBmp ) sourceBitmap.dispose();
     return vBmp;
   return null;

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