July 26, 2011

Javascript: Formatting latitude/longitude location between Decimal and DMS (degrees, minutes, seconds)

I'm working on a javascript UI for a mobile app that receives location data in the Decmial format. We wanted the fancy DMS format, so I found some code, rewrote it, and wrapped it up into a nice little static class for converting back and forth.
// A static class for converting between Decimal and DMS formats for a location
// ported from: http://andrew.hedges.name/experiments/convert_lat_long/
// Decimal Degrees = Degrees + minutes/60 + seconds/3600
// more info on formats here: http://www.maptools.com/UsingLatLon/Formats.html
// use: LocationFormatter.DMSToDecimal( 45, 35, 38, LocationFormatter.SOUTH );
// or:  LocationFormatter.decimalToDMS( -45.59389 );

function LocationFormatter(){

LocationFormatter.NORTH = 'N';
LocationFormatter.SOUTH = 'S';
LocationFormatter.EAST = 'E';
LocationFormatter.WEST = 'W';

LocationFormatter.roundToDecimal = function( inputNum, numPoints ) {
 var multiplier = Math.pow( 10, numPoints );
 return Math.round( inputNum * multiplier ) / multiplier;

LocationFormatter.decimalToDMS = function( location, hemisphere ){
 if( location < 0 ) location *= -1; // strip dash '-'
 var degrees = Math.floor( location );          // strip decimal remainer for degrees
 var minutesFromRemainder = ( location - degrees ) * 60;       // multiply the remainer by 60
 var minutes = Math.floor( minutesFromRemainder );       // get minutes from integer
 var secondsFromRemainder = ( minutesFromRemainder - minutes ) * 60;   // multiply the remainer by 60
 var seconds = LocationFormatter.roundToDecimal( secondsFromRemainder, 2 ); // get minutes by rounding to integer

 return degrees + '° ' + minutes + "' " + seconds + '" ' + hemisphere;

LocationFormatter.decimalLatToDMS = function( location ){
 var hemisphere = ( location < 0 ) ? LocationFormatter.SOUTH : LocationFormatter.NORTH; // south if negative
 return LocationFormatter.decimalToDMS( location, hemisphere );

LocationFormatter.decimalLongToDMS = function( location ){
 var hemisphere = ( location < 0 ) ? LocationFormatter.WEST : LocationFormatter.EAST;  // west if negative
 return LocationFormatter.decimalToDMS( location, hemisphere );

LocationFormatter.DMSToDecimal = function( degrees, minutes, seconds, hemisphere ){
 var ddVal = degrees + minutes / 60 + seconds / 3600;
 ddVal = ( hemisphere == LocationFormatter.SOUTH || hemisphere == LocationFormatter.WEST ) ? ddVal * -1 : ddVal;
 return LocationFormatter.roundToDecimal( ddVal, 5 );  